It’s currently raining as I write this post. I know, random!
It has been so long since I last wrote. I don’t even know where to begin. Oh
how I’ve missed writing. I can’t believe I didn’t post anything, the whole of
2016. So this post should update you all.
I’m not sure if not writing is a good or a bad thing anymore,
seeing that when I write it’s usually when I’m down and my emotions decide to take
over. Currently I’m not employed and that could be another reason as to why as
I’m wondering, “What next?”
My education:
So many times I have complained about being a jerk of all
trades and being a master in none. Guess what? I now have a master in Graphic
Design and Typography. Can I get applauded for that proud moment please…?
Thank you!
Here is what I learned…
It doesn’t matter how much education you get. Some people will
still treat you like shit, discredit your work. Some will envy you, but that’s
OK. You’re not better than them, as they only think that you think you’re
better than them.
Yes, there’s been a learning curve, in the positive
direction. I’ve learned so much!!! Though I always say receiving knowledge
doesn’t end. It is always your duty to go out and find out more.
My educative days during my study were filled with research,
discovering and documentation. Even today I’m happy to learn something new.
Besides, who said I have to be a jerk of all trades? Why not be a master in
My creativity:
My thoughts are faster than any of my hands or ability is
able to capture and bring it to reality. Sometimes I sit there and picture it
all in my head and I’m already done, I’m over it. Nothing is wrong with that, since
it saves me time from doing it and ending up not liking it. I have a broader
imagination that captures concepts better. Nowadays my work needs purpose. I am
able to sieve out work that’s unnecessary. I now understand that creation
without purpose is just art and not design. No wonder my work before had less
I am aware that a lot of people will use you for your skills/talents.
I say this for any creatives out there. Some won’t even give you credit for
your work, let alone pay you. Some don’t even notice that they do this which is
an insult. They take on your work and move on like nothing happened. A lot of
people will discredit or disregard the time and effort you put into your work.
They will not realize that you created something out of nothing, and that
without you, it wouldn’t exist. It is OK. Such people do not know the power of
gratitude. Gratitude goes a long way, for it could either make or break a
person. Don’t let such people bother you for their actions do not define your
Discovering myself:

My love life:
I always hated on love; though I still do sometimes, not as
much. Believe it or not, I am currently dating, and I have been for over a year
and a half. I look back at all the
things I said about love when I wasn’t in love, and I shake my head. When it
comes to love, we all have different experiences and different opinions. I know
that now. Not all love is the same. You can give advice about relationships but
what works you does not necessarily work for another. Being in a relationship has taught me privacy.
Before I liked to tell all because I didn’t care, now I do. You learn that it’s
not just you in that relationship. It’s two of you, and that alone is
I know I’m late but happy 2017!