Monday, December 30, 2019


At the beginning of the year I decided to get a gratitude jar and fill it with thank you notes. I scribbled down the things I was mostly grateful for at the end of every week. I started off so well but as the year went by it got harder for me to keep up, so I started dropping in notes whenever I remembered or whenever something in my mind popped up and I was thankful for it; it’s no wonder the jar didn’t overflow as I imagined it would. I plan to open the jar on the last day of the year and I figured I should at least share twelve things I am grateful for this year.  Twelve because there are twelve months in the year; though, keep in mind that the things I’ve listed, didn’t necessarily happen in that order.

     1.  Juza Africa

I am glad to have been part of the founding team of Juza Africa that installs digital libraries around primary schools. The organization focuses on improving literacy and making the educative process more efficient and effective for schools in Africa using technology inspired solutions. My work with the team has been to capture the process, create content and run the social media pages. The most joy I’ve got out of the work is being able to do something for the community and share the love and joy with the children as they receive the digital libraries. If you’re looking for a way to give back to the society, please consider the organization, you can donate on the website.

     2. Getting my books on Amazon

As a creative, I get excited knowing that I’ve put out something into the world. I officially have three books published under my name. Its two screenplays and a children’s illustration book that you can buy from Amazon. That officially makes me a published author and I am definitely thankful for that.  Check out the link to all my 3 books here: Click to buy my books on Amazon

 Alongside publishing my own books, I also helped my cousin publish her own book, ‘Beyond theCrevices.’ If you’re looking to publish your own book, please lets discuss, I’m happy to get your book published as well. At a fee of course!

     3. Stock photography

I have a lot of pictures sitting in my computer because of the love I have for photography. I decided to share this on stock sites and it has been such a rewarding experience. If you are considering doing this for some extra bucks please do. My only regret is that I hadn’t started sooner. My most earning website has been Dreamstime, which I am an exclusive partner. If you plan to join please use my affiliate link. I am also on Shutterstock, but it hasn’t got me much, I know for sure everyone’s experience is different, so if you’re still interested in joining Shutterstock you can use my referral link. The good thing with stock photography is that you can make up to $1000 a year just having your photos on the website. Some people have been luckier and have made that in a month.  So please try it out if you’re a photographer and find out how your work does.

4. Getting a website

It took a while but with the help of a great website developer I created my own website based off the idea of stock photos. I realized there are a lot of people looking for creative content, so figured it’s a great way to keep mine all together in one place. Please check out the website and support my work by registering and engage on the site. You can also buy some of my digital content, I would really appreciate it.

     5.  Getting back on YouTube

I’m able to showcase the process of my work and to increase my outreach through YouTube.  I created the channel for my illustrations one year ago, though I stopped for some time. I picked it up again this year and I’ve decided to be consistent with it. Hopefully, I can build an audience. Please click on the link and subscribe to my channel if you are a fan of my work. It will encourage me to keep going: Subscribe

     6. Creating a Spinkly Store

The great thing with Teespring, which is the website I’m using for my designs, is that it allows me to print on demand and the site also takes care of the shipping. This way I am able to sell my paintings as well as use my wallpapers and patterns to create merchandise such as tshirts, pillows, hoodies, cases and the likes. Check out my store.

      7. Traveling for my birthday

On my birthday this year I took a trip to Diani. It’s not to another country as I had originally hoped for but it was very fulfilling all the same. I got to travel with my big sister who was great company. The trip was a much needed vacation. I’ve put in so much work this year, and whether I get appreciated for it or not, I figured it’s the least I could do for myself, reward my efforts.

I also realized that I am so blessed to have been to a total of 19 countries in my life (Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Egypt, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, UK, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, UAE, Turkey, USA, Pakistan and India) and I really plan to make that 20 by next year. I like the idea of my 20th country being in 2020.

8. Books I’ve read 

I am not much of a reader, but I’m glad that I managed to read four books this year. This is such an improvement from last year because I only read one book (It was even a book I was editing, so I’m not sure if that even counts). Hopefully next year I can finish six books in total as I had hoped would be the case this year. Below is a list of the titles I read this year:
  • The self-esteem workbook
  • Becoming Michelle Obama
  • Act like a lady, think like a man.
  • You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make em chacha: Why Some People Stay in Abuse and Some Don't.

      9. Appreciating your circle

This year I learned that being close to your family members is a blessing. Generally when people don’t have great relationships with people they live with or work with, it can be toxic. I’m now wary of the people I allow in my life, and I’m especially grateful for the people that love me for being me, and wouldn’t change a thing. The older you get, the harder it becomes to keep friendships. It’s no wonder the older you get the smaller the circle.

      10. Health

Slowly by slowly I am starting to have problems with my health. I won’t mention them particularly, but a lot of my conditions have got worse with age. Nowadays I consider health as not having to go through any excruciating pain, because when pain or illness comes, it’s a reminder that health is so important and we shouldn’t take it for granted. I hope as I step into 2020 I can actually stick to a healthy diet and follow through with exercising, I don’t like it but it’s necessary.

11. Building a relationship with God

I believe in God and my strength comes from God. I feel like the past few years my relationship with God hasn’t been at its best, so lately I have been working on that and so far so good. Prayer works, you just have to be patient, and know that God’s time is always best. I’ve learned that being at peace with my God results to being at peace with myself.

      12. Blogging

I know, I can’t really brag about this blog part, or say I am grateful for how much I have written. Though, I am glad I have this platform to express myself in written form. I have really missed it, and the fact that I am able to come back whenever I feel like, without any pressure, at no cost, I appreciate that. I don’t know if there’s anybody who reads what I write, but I still choose to write because I realize I love writing. I’m no Shakespeare or English guru but I’m a creative writer. I love expressing myself through writing because it gives my thoughts value. Thanks if you actually did read up to the end because I doubt people still read blogs, but you do and that’s rare! Have a prosperous and successful 2020! I hope to write more next year!

Comment below the books you’ve read this year, and let me know what you were mostly grateful for this year.